Chapter 1: Bridges
It was dark. For some reason, the sky was not as bright as it was supposed to. She walked slowly, trying her best not to make any sound. She was in the brink of discovering the truth. Her breath was fast and so was her heart, which pounded so rapidly she could almost feel it about to explode out of her chest. Maybe, she thought, it was a bad idea to try and follow the man she loved just because of her unruly guts. She had been thinking over and over, debating to herself frequently about his loyalty. One side telling her to go on and the other telling her to stop. She couldn't bear to just do nothing and not really know whether or not he was telling her the truth.
After every corner, she slowly walked after him, maintaining a safe distance not to get herself caught. Although she keeps on going about it back and forth, she continues to follow him until he came to a stop. She sneaked a peek to see where he was standing on, and there she saw her man in front of a small apartment door. Everything he had done for her began to flash through her mind, and then everything that didn't make any sense to her about him also began to flash back through her mind. She was at the point of confusion whether to trust him or not.
He went inside the door, and minutes later she went near it. She felt so deceived and foolish to have believed that he was going to an urgent business meeting late that night. Her hands became cold as ice, not because of the temperature but because of the feelings that she had been holding in the minute she got the idea to follow him. Suddenly she heard voices, three or four voices two males and two females. She was frustrated, her hands began to clench and unclench unconsciously. She never imagined that he would do this to her, not in a million ways that she had believed every single word that came out of his mouth began to crumble like broken glass. In her mind she thought, how can this be?
She couldn't stand being there, but being outside made it worse. She wasn't sure who those people were and what the connection was between them. She had no idea at all about him. It was as if the whole world had just fallen down on her and she felt so hurt, it didn't matter to her anymore. Tears had began to fall down her cheeks as she stood helpless in front of that door. She couldn't walk away and yet, she did not have the guts to knock on the door either. Instead, she merely turned around and sat in front of that small door and sobbed as quietly as she can. Although she tried, her sobs were not as silent as she would have wanted since her heart bled together with her tears. The door opened. She froze even more, knowing the fact that she had been seen sitting there. She couldn't move nor look at the person at the door. She just bowed down and did not speak. A pair of warm hands touched her shoulder and rubbed her back and said, "Come now dear, it's freezing out here." The voice was of a kind woman.
She slowly stood up and tried to wipe the tears with her cold hands. The woman was a few years older than she was but she had this subtle radiance that made her feel very comfortable. She invited her to sit down near the fireplace. She hadn't noticed how long she had been outside and that it had gotten really cold. She sat down and looked around as the woman went to get some tea. She saw pictures of children, about9 or 10 years old. As her gaze ran across the room, she saw a picture of a young boy aged 13, it was him and the lady she had met was his older sister. She had never felt so ashamed of herself that she started to cry again. The woman came back and said to her, "My dear, do not shed your tears for a man. Your tears hold a value that no man is worthy for you to waste them on unless if... he was my brother..." She couldn't help but chuckle at what she had just said. "My brother loves you very much, and there's a reason why he hasn't told you about all of this yet. Give him some time, I'm sure he has this all planned out, explanations included. I'll just go upstairs for a while and get him. You stay here and keep warm."
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